Business Strategy
Year of publication
Document type
- Bachelor Thesis (111)
- Master's Thesis (26)
Is part of the Bibliography
- No (137)
- Digitalisierung (5)
- Business model (4)
- Change Management (4)
- Change management (4)
- Digital transformation (4)
- Innovation (4)
- Willingness to pay (4)
- Strategy (3)
- Sustainability (3)
- Agility (2)
The aim of this study is to investigate how cultural diversity is implemented and promoted in German startups and what best practices can be derived from these insights. The research question is: How is cultural diversity being implemented and promoted in German startups? Challenges and best practices.
As an empirical method to address the research question, expert interviews were conducted to gain precise insight into the strategies and initiatives of startups related to cultural diversity.
The results of the research have shown that cultural diversity has a significant impact on fostering innovation and creativity in startups. It also became clear that leadership within the company plays a crucial role in implementing cultural diversity and creating an inclusive environment. Research also showed that the implementation of formal initiatives in startups is limited due to company size and resource constraints.
Overall, the study has demonstrated that cultural diversity plays an important role in startups that should not be overlooked. Based on theoretical insights as well as findings from the study, best practices have been derived to serve as guidelines for startups aiming to efficiently and resourcefully implement cultural diversity.
Sustainability is a megatrend and has been a topic of great interest for decades. Even though, industrialization came forth with genius and profitable businesses it almost never took into consideration the value of natural capital and sustainability. According to a 2017 report by the UN, there are more than 51 trillion microplastic particles in the sea, more than 500 times the number of stars in the Milky Way. With the depletion of natural resources, increasing consumer education and the need for a better future the world has been prompted to take solid steps to control the menace that could be climate change and unsustainability. This paper makes an effort to understand the effect that sustainable marketing practices have on the profitability of an organization. The case studies of the three famous athleisure brands provides an insight into how sustainability can help companies drive towards a profitable and a circular future.
The objective of this work is to determine which strategic management model is the most suitable for developing a strategy framework for an international, decentralised organisation to ensure sustainable e-business growth. To achieve this, primary and secondary data are analysed, using a combination of comparative and qualitative approaches. Three strategic management models are presented. The Balanced Scorecard and the Objectives and Key Results are selected for a deeper literature review to assess their applicability according to criteria considered critical in a decentralised e-business context. Based on the literature, a hypothesis is formulated suggesting that Objectives and Key Results is the most suitable model for this purpose. Using a concrete case study, -the e-business project Vision 30 of the Würth Group-, both models are developed. The results and development processes are compared and evaluated, showing that although the Objectives and Key Results has significant advantages, it cannot serve as a universally applicable framework. The Balanced Scorecard‘s strategy map uses predefined perspectives, allowing for customisation and individual adaptations for companies. Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected. This demonstrates that the strategy map provides the necessary flexibility while maintaining alignment, which is crucial for success in today’s decentralised business landscape. Further research in the field of strategic management models could investigate the effectiveness of combining both models.
The first section of the thesis provides a historical overview of automation, spanning from the first industrial revolution to the current era of highly advanced AI-driven technologies. It emphasizes how important Business Process Automation (BPA) is in today's hectic corporate climate when productivity and competitiveness are key factors. The main focus is on Robotic Process Automation (RPA), which is especially useful in situations with legacy systems since it effectively automates repetitive processes. This study explores the differences between terms and concepts related to automation, including business process automation (BPA), robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and business process management (BPM). Companies looking to optimize their processes face a changing landscape due to the involvement of various technologies. Using real-world case studies and industry best practices, the thesis provides a thorough examination of the effects of BPA, emphasizing the primary drivers, challenges, and benefits of BPA adoption. A mixed-methods approach integrating quantitative and qualitative research was used as the methodology. Surveys, case studies, and documentation from different organizations are included in the study, based on those who have implemented RPA at their work. This method enables a thorough analysis of BPA's effects on efficacy, productivity, and affordability. Case studies from prominent firms like Capgemini Consulting, PwC, and Deloitte are reviewed to gain insights regarding their BPA journey. Significant gains in customer satisfaction, cost savings, error avoidance, and operational efficiency are shown by this research. They also draw attention to difficulties like opposition from employees, problems with integration, and the requirement for upskilling. The thesis indicates that although big firms have similar motives for adopting BPA, the process of adopting BPA varies depending on the specific circumstances of each firm. Stakeholder engagement and change management are critical components of successful BPA programs, according to key results. The study highlights a balanced, strategic, and context-sensitive approach, offering a useful insight for companies in establishing their BPA strategy. It provides a comprehensive examination of the role that business process automation plays in modern companies, highlighting the ways in which it can radically alter corporate strategy and operations in the digital age. It gives a thorough examination of the challenges involved in putting BPA into practice and offers tactical advice to businesses hoping to use these tools to boost productivity and competitiveness.
Diese Bachelorarbeit widmet sich der Entwicklung eines Businessplans für ein gesundes, fitnessgerechtes und nachhaltiges Fast-Casual-Restaurant in Freiburg im Breisgau. Die Forschungsfragen, die dieser Arbeit zugrunde liegen, untersuchen die Faktoren und Strategien, die dazu beitragen können, den Konsum von ungesundem Fast-Food zu reduzieren und ein gesünderes Ernährungsverhalten zu fördern. Darüber hinaus wird erforscht, wie ein Geschäftsmodell entwickelt und gestaltet werden kann, um gesundes, fitnessgerechtes und nachhaltiges Fast-Food für die breite Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Schließlich wird untersucht, wie dieses Geschäftsmodell nachhaltigen Wert schaffen und langfristigen Erfolg gewährleisten kann. Die Forschungsmethodik umfasste Interviews im kleinen Kreis sowie eine Online-Umfrage unter den potenziellen Zielgruppen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Forschung wurde ein umfassender Businessplan entwickelt, der alle wesentlichen Aspekte des geplanten Restaurants abdeckt, von der Geschäftsidee und dem -modell bis hin zur Marktanalyse, Marketingstrategie, Organisationsstruktur und Finanzplanung. Die vorliegende Arbeit kommt zu dem Schluss, dass das Geschäftskonzept zwar umsetzbar ist und eine klare Nachfrage besteht, jedoch eine enge Zusammenarbeit und Unterstützung von Experten erforderlich ist, um die langfristige Nachhaltigkeit und den Erfolg des Unternehmens zu gewährleisten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit bieten einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Förderung einer gesünderen Ernährung und eines nachhaltigeren Lebensstils in der Region Freiburg im Breisgau. Dieses Fast-Casual-Restaurant hat das Potenzial, nicht nur die Ernährungsgewohnheiten der Bevölkerung zu verbessern, sondern auch positive Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und die Gesundheit der Menschen zu erzielen.
Die ursprünglichen Forschungsfragen der Bachelorarbeit lauteten: Bietet der Raumakustikmarkt Potenzial für die Gründung und das Wachstum eines Unternehmens in diesem Bereich? Welche Produkte haben das größte Potenzial? Wie sind die ersten Schritte zur Markterschließung zu gestalten? In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das Marktpotenzial von Lärmschutzsystemen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es sich um eine vielversprechende Marktnische handelt. Mit einer ausgewählten Produktpalette, die ein breites Spektrum an Produkten aus einem Material anbietet, und einem effektiven Servicekonzept kann ein nachhaltiger wirtschaftlicher Erfolg erzielt werden. Insbesondere im B2B-Bereich zeigt die Marktforschung ein wachsendes Potenzial in den kommenden Jahren. Die steigende Nachfrage nach Schallschutz und nachhaltigen Produkten, verstärkt durch gesetzliche Anforderungen, bietet Chancen. Diese Chancen wurden in die Praxis umgesetzt, indem erste Schritte zur Unternehmensgründung eingeleitet wurden. Zusätzlich wurde an einer Ausschreibung teilgenommen, die Theorie und Praxis verbindet. Somit wurden die Forschungsfragen nicht nur in der Theorie beantwortet, sondern auch in die Praxis umgesetzt. Mit dieser Bachelorarbeit wurde nicht nur der erste Schritt in den Markt der Raumakustik getan, sondern auch der Weg in die Selbständigkeit nach dem Studium geebnet.
This bachelor thesis examines the emerging concept of re-commerce in the fashion industry with a particular focus on the factors influencing its adoption in the German market. In the context of changing economic dynamics and the increasing importance of sustainability, the thesis analyzes the basic principles of the circular economy in relation to the fashion industry and discusses the role of re-commerce initiatives in promoting resource conservation.
The study uses a comprehensive PEST analysis of the German market to uncover political, economic, sociocultural, and technological factors influencing the adoption of re- commerce. In addition, a detailed market analysis reveals the current state and growth prospects of re-commerce in Germany. This includes an examination of trends, target groups, demand for sustainable fashion and the acceptance of second-hand goods.
Using the case study of the fashion brand Levi's, which has successfully integrated a re- commerce platform, the study shows how established companies can achieve their sustainability goals and discover new business opportunities.
Finally, the paper concludes by summarizing the identified factors and the opportunities and challenges for companies looking to enter the German re-commerce market. The assessment of the potential benefits and risks associated with launching re-commerce initiatives in Germany provides a comprehensive basis for future decision-making. All in all, the German fashion resale market offers promising prospects. The current expansion and future potential of this sector are strongly influenced by consumer behavior and driven by extrinsic factors.
Thus, this work contributes to a deeper understanding of the relevance of re-commerce practices in the fashion industry and provides valuable insights for companies in the German fashion market aiming at sustainable business strategies.
Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit untersucht den digitalen Wandel in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitspro-zesse und Mitarbeiter. Durch den Einsatz von qualitativen Interviews wurden Erkenntnisse darüber gewonnen, wie Unternehmen den digitalen Wandel erle-ben und welche Herausforderungen und Chancen sie dabei sehen. Die Arbeit beleuchtet, wie die Digitalisierung die Arbeitsweise in Unternehmen verändert, welche Change-Management Methoden eingesetzt werden und wie Mitarbeiter auf diese Veränderungen reagieren. Es wurde festgestellt, dass die Digitalisie-rung nicht nur technologische, sondern auch kulturelle und organisatorische Veränderungen mit sich bringt. Die erfolgreiche Implementierung digitaler Tools erfordert eine klare Kommunikation, Schulung der Mitarbeiter, die Berücksichti-gung ihrer Bedenken und Feedbacks und ein Kulturwandel. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit können Unternehmen dabei unterstützen, den digitalen Wandel effektiv zu gestalten und die Vorteile der Digitalisierung voll auszuschöpfen.
This thesis addresses the relationship between sustainability action and firm competitiveness. Through the analysis of literature and by conducting a survey on consumer demands and preferences, the question whether sustainability action can help companies in the consumer electronics sector gain a competitive advantage is answered.
This thesis comes to the conclusion, that sustainability action can yield many advantages for companies, when executed properly. In general, companies with a strong sustainability performance reduce their production cost, have easier access to capital and labor, show financial and stock performance on the same level or higher than less sustainable companies, reduce stakeholder risk and gain consumer goodwill which can materialize into a competitive advantage. Regarding the consumer electronics sector,
this thesis shows that most consumers would prefer more sustainable products over less sustainable ones and would be willing to pay a price premium. What seems to be a big issue in the consumer electronics market is, that even though companies like Apple already act on the issue of sustainability, they are either doing a bad job or having a hard
time communicating their sustainability initiatives to consumers.
The platform business model replaces the traditional linear value chain model, demonstrating how value can be created differently. The emergence of new platforms in various industries during the last decade has made it difficult to imagine a business without naming at least a handful of active platforms. The platform business model has been proven to revolutionize industries, and this study investigates the possibility of launching a platform business model in unprecedented arenas which still use conventional pipeline business models.
The study explores the process of generating ideas for a new opportunity in the platform business model. After generating 11 ideas, screening and evaluating methods were studied.