Year of publication
Document type
- Article (peer-reviewed) (19)
- Part of a Book (13)
- Conference Proceeding (6)
- Book (4)
- Contribution to a Periodical (3)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Other (1)
- Interprofessional education (2)
- Planetary health (2)
- Akademisierung (1)
- Anatomy (1)
- Clinical examination (1)
- Co-Benefits (1)
- Critical physiotherapy (1)
- Discourse analysis (1)
- Ecology (1)
- Education (1)
Die komplexen Herausforderungen in der Gesundheitsversorgung erfordern die Zusammenarbeit verschiedener Berufsgruppen.
Den Grundstein dafür legen interprofessionelle Ausbildungsinhalte. Die erforderlichen Kompetenzen können durch unterschiedlichedidaktische Zugänge sowie Lehr- und Lernmethoden angebahnt werden. Das vorliegende narrative Review stellt die didaktische und methodische Realisierbarkeit interprofessioneller Ausbildungsinhalte zur Verbesserung der interprofessionellen Kompetenz in den Gesundheitsberufen dar. Ergänzend wird die Evaluation der Lehr- und Lernmethoden berücksichtigt. Der Artikel stellt die Ergebnisse vor und diskutiert diese vor dem Hintergrund bisheriger Erkenntnisse.
As planetary health education enters medical and health professional training, transversal implementation across curricula is critical in developing its full potential and enabling future health professionals to meet the social, environmental, and health challenges of current and future generations in an integrated manner. To advance the transversal implementation of planetary health education, our study proceeded through: (1) a sequence analysis of documents framing physiotherapy education to identify relevant nexus points; (2) an explorative implementation of planetary health into foundational anatomy and physiology modules identified as critical nexus points; (3) practical implementation during the 2021 autumn semester. Implementation in the operative foundations of healthcare education—anatomy and physiology—enables the emphasis of the ecological nature of human bodies and interconnection with our planetary environment. Musculoskeletal joints accentuate the relational nature of bodies highlighted across current research and traditional knowledges, as dynamically pervaded and in interaction with culture, technology, objects, ideas, plants, planets, etc. Teaching relational anatomies thus highlights planetary health as the transversal foundation of medical and healthcare education. Making this foundation more explicit will be critical for the transversal implementation of planetary health education and subsequent practice, as well as the fundamental shifts in our understanding of human lives and health they require.