Year of publication
Document type
- Bachelor Thesis (60)
- Master's Thesis (11)
Is part of the Bibliography
- No (71)
- China (3)
- Blockchain technology (2)
- Demografischer Wandel (2)
- Germany (2)
- Nachhaltigkeit (2)
- Oil price (2)
- Quantitative Easing (2)
- Spain (2)
- Sustainability (2)
- Wettbewerb (2)
The tourism sector has grown rapidly in recent years and is one of the most important economic sectors in the world. This thesis analyzes the determinants of tourism demand in Spain, Greece and Turkey, three of the most important destinations in the Mediterranean region. Given the growing importance of the tourism sector, this study analyzes which economic factors have the greatest influence on tourism demand, the role of political stability and security indices, and the impact of global crises such as COVID-19, geopolitical tensions and climate change on travel behavior. Using a panel data regression analysis for the period from 2012 to 2023, variables such as income, relative prices, trade openness and the Global Peace Index are considered. The empirical analysis includes various models, including pooled OLS, Random Effects and Fixed Effects, with the final model being a Fixed Effects model with GLS Cross-Section SUR weights, which provides the most robust results. The results show that income has a positive impact on tourism demand in all countries, while relative prices and trade openness vary by country. Political stability and global crises, such as COVID-19, have a significant negative impact on tourism demand. The research shows how important it is to take a closer look at the various factors influencing tourism demand in order to develop targeted strategies for the tourism industry.
This study examines the generational differences in the perception of payment mode transparency and its impact on the pain of paying, particularly comparing Generation Z with older cohorts. Using a mixed-method approach, including a simulated shopping task and a survey, the research tests the effect of different payment methods (cash and debit cards) on spending behaviour across three generations. Additionally, the survey measures anticipated pain of paying and payment mode transparency perception. The study hypothesizes that Generation Z perceives debit cards as more transparent than cash, in contrast to older generations, who are expected to view cash as more transparent. These contradictory perceptions could lead to differences in the pain of paying and thus spending behaviour between generations. The findings indicate a significant generational shift in transparency perception of the two payment modes in the predicted way. However, there was no significant relationship between the perceived transparency and the amount spent. While our results show significant generational differences in pain of paying and amount spent, payment mode did not have an influence on either of them. These findings challenge traditional economic assumptions about payment transparency and provide new insights into generational differences in spending behaviour.
Diese Arbeit ermittelt die verschiedene Arten unternehmerischen Vorwissens und auch dessen Quellen mithilfe einer empirischen Forschungsmethode, bei der die unterschiedlichen Datensätze erfasst, analysiert und ausgewertet wurden.
Die Gliederung des Vorwissen erfolgt in die Kategorisierung von generellem Vorwissen, die Zuordnung der Unternehmer zu Unternehmerarten sowie die Identifikation von impliziten und explizitem Wissen. Die Analyse erfolgt separiert für die drei Unternehmensarten Start-up, mittelständisches Unternehmen sowie Großunternehmen.
Die Analyse beinhaltet dabei insgesamt 150 analysierte Datensätze, die sich aus persönlichen und generellen Daten und Informationen der Unternehmer zusammensetzen.
Trotz einiger Limitationen durch die erfassbaren Daten, kann mithilfe dieser Arbeit ein Einblick in das notwendige unternehmerische Vorwissen gegeben werden. Dadurch bietet sich die Chance zukünftige Unternehmer optimal Auszubilden, damit diese unternehmerische Chancen frühzeitig erkennen.
The following thesis analyzes what a new sustainable pension reform for Germany could look like and which aspects can be adopted from other countries. It is shown that the German pension system needs a reform because it lacks sustainability due to the demographic change taking place and the associated poverty in old age. Another factor is the lack of state subsidies. To this
end, five different countries were analyzed, a survey and a utility analysis were conducted in order to compare the countries according to certain criteria and to draw conclusions as to which pension system or which aspects could be copied and implemented in Germany. The results show that Sweden and Norway have a sophisticated pension system with many aspects that could be adopted. Austria also provides some good ideas. The existing plans of the German government and other experts show that Germany is on the right track, but needs to be reformed
as soon as possible in order to achieve a positive result immediately.
This paper examines the effect of ownership on strategic reasoning in the classical p-beauty contest game. While much literature focused on cognitive ability as the foundation for higher-order strategic play, we investigate whether a more motivational perspective can serve as a foundation for strategic reasoning as well. This is to be induced via the endowment effect by combining two market simulations with a p-beauty contest game in three experimental sessions. We conclude that while an endowment effect does not have a significant influence on first-round behavior, there are indications that it can influence the learning of endowed players as early as round two of a repeated p-beauty contest game. We find that possible differences in the degree of commitment substantially affect strategic behavior. The analyses ultimately suggest that strategic behavior possibly could occur not only on a cognitive level but also on a motivational level, provided that the motivation is powerful enough.
This thesis will examine the impact of cashless payments on E-commerce industry in India. In November 2016 Indian government banned the use of 500 INR (Indian rupee note) and 1000 INR note. Since November 2016 Indian government is encouraging cashless transaction or digital payments. There are several modes of online payments. This study will put some light on the basics and facts to understand what demonetization is and on how it increases popularity of cashless payments, the benefits, and challenges it imposes. In the end this study answers the question that if digital transactions will keep growing in India and it effects on e-commerce industry
Diese Arbeit untersucht die Auswirkungen der „Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive“ auf mittelständische Unternehmen und zeigt mögliche Herausforderungen bei ihrer Umsetzung auf. Bei der „Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive“ handelt es sich um die neue Richtlinie der Europäischen Union zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung von Unternehmen. Diese Richtlinie erhöht die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattungsanforderungen an Unternehmen erheblich, qualitativ sowie quantitativ. Die Berichterstattung muss deutlich tiefgründiger sein als bisher und auch die absolute Anzahl an berichtspflichtigen Unternehmen ist deutlich gestiegen, wodurch u.a. auch mittelständische Unternehmen, sofern sie kapitalmarktorientiert sind, zum ersten Mal betroffen sind. Um dabei auf mögliche Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung aufmerksam zu machen, wurde ein Experteninterview mit einem Unternehmen aus der Region geführt. Die Auswertung des Gesprächs zeigt, dass zusätzlicher Arbeitsaufwand und fehlende Expertise zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstellung die größten Herausforderungen sind.
Das Bauwesen hat einen immensen Einfluss auf ökologische Aspekte, was in Zeiten
von Ressourcenmangel und Klimwandel immer mehr an Relevanz gewinnt.
Gleichzeitig ist die Baubranche im Vergleich zu anderen Branchen nach wie vor
kaum digital.
Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit hat das Ziel zu untersuchen, ob und in welchem
Ausmaß eine Digitalisierung der Baubranche einen Einfluss auf die Nachhaltigkeit
hat und haben wird. Um diese Forschungsfrage zu beantworten, wurden zehn
qualitative Experteninterviews mit Unternehmen aus der Bau- und
Bausoftwarebranche geführt. Diese Art der Untersuchung wurde gewählt, da es im
Sinne der Arbeit wenig Literatur gab.
Die qualitativen Experteninterviews zeigten, dass laut dem Großteil der befragten
Experten, Nachhaltigkeit beim Bauen nur mithilfe digitaler Hilfsmittel funktioniert. Ein
Paradebeispiel hierfür ist die digitale Erfassung von Bauteilen, um später so
Gebäude fachgerecht abzureißen und den Bauschutt sortenrein enstorgen zu
können. Dies bedeutet, dass potentielle Synergien zwischen den Themenbereichen
erkannt und genutzt werden sollten.
Weiterführende Forschung könnte sich unter anderem mit dem Einfluss der
Mantelverodnung auf die Nachhaltigkeit der Baubranche befassen. Darüber hinaus
ist es von Relevanz, die weitere Entwicklung von Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit
der Branche zu untersuchen.
This thesis examines causes and effects of El Salvador’s transition to official dollarization conducted in 2001. The document analyzes preliminary and final impacts in the real, financial, fiscal, and external sectors of the country, and it also provides an economic and social perspective on how these effects have caused little effect on Salvadoran society. Several authors remark official dollarization might have positive effects on countries with macroeconomic disorders such as high inflation rates and drastic exchange rate variations. After more than 20 years of adoption of the U.S. dollar, official dollarization does not appear to have affected positively life of Salvadoran citizens but rather has prevented governments from using monetary policy to apply irresponsible economic policies and has also helped to prevent high inflation rates. To take advantage of the benefits official dollarization can offer, it is highly recommendable for El Salvador to implement transformative social and economic investments and policies that boost human development and economic competitiveness.
This thesis examines the impact of the war in Ukraine on grain supply and food security in MENA countries, specifically Tunisia and Yemen. The war has resulted in a significant disruption to the global grain market, with Ukraine being a major exporter of wheat and maize prior to the Russian invasion. The blockade of Ukrainian exports has led to rising food prices and increased food insecurity in developing and emerging nations, which rely
heavily on imported grain. The study focuses on analyzing the structure of grain exports from Ukraine, the responses of international organizations such as the World Food Programme, and the long-lasting effects of the conflict on the global food market. The findings of this study may contribute to understanding the dynamics of the grain market and inform policies that address global hunger and food security issues.