Year of publication
- 2018 (1)
Document type
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- English (1)
Has full text
- No (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- No (1)
Course of studies
In times of talent shortage and increasing competition, companies are constantly
looking for methods to recruit better fits in a more time and cost-efficient manner. One
such method, which an increasing number of companies turn towards, are so called
“Robot Recruiters”, or more specifically, artificial intelligence enhanced digital
recruiting tools. However, the impact of the associated automation and dehumanization
of parts of the recruitment process on the candidate experience, remains unclear. In order to assess the potential influence of mentioned tools, candidate experience influencing factors are elaborated, to then analyze how these factors are affected in an artificial intelligence supported recruiting process.
The analysis has shown, that AI recruiting tools do have the potential to satisfy
candidates’ needs by automating simple, yet time consuming tasks like scheduling or initial communication. However, candidates are likely to show adverse reaction to their
usage in later stages of the recruitment process, which are traditionally characterized
by personal interaction.