Document type
- Article (peer-reviewed) (13)
- Conference Proceeding (4)
- Part of a Book (1)
- English (18)
Is part of the Bibliography
- Yes (18)
- Electrical impedance tomography (4)
- COVID-19 pneumonia (3)
- Mechanical ventilation (3)
- Virtual patient (3)
- ARDS (2)
- Asynchrony (2)
- Critical care (2)
- Digital twins (2)
- Hysteresis loop model (2)
- Hysteretic lung mechanics (2)
Differentiating Phenotypes of Coronavirus Disease-2019 Pneumonia by Electric Impedance Tomography
Reconstructing asynchrony for mechanical ventilation using a hysteresis loop virtual patient model
Teaching old electronics, new tricks: medical applications of well-known industrial electronics