Year of publication
- 2017 (1)
Document type
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- German (1)
Has full text
- No (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- No (1)
- E-commerce (1)
- Online marketing (1)
- Virtual reality (1)
- Virtuelle Realität (1)
Course of studies
Purchasing products form the online-shops has become part of the daily live and more and more traditional shops shift their business to the e-commerce, which leads to a growing global competition among online traders. This clarifies the necessary differentiation of the online-shop to survive or improve the success. Making use of the expertise of Neuromarketing when it comes to the design and usability can represent a promising solution for it. Neuromarketing is based on the unconsciously perception through all senses and because of that, the emotional binding of customers to the product or brand. Its implementation on online-shops could be difficult due to the limited possibilities of perception, compared to traditional stores. The use of new technologies, such as those which enable to enter in virtual spaces, could expand the possibilities of perception and improve the use of Neuromarketing. This investigation, based on actual literature, should ideally represent an incentive and a groundwork for further research. The aim is to discover if it is possible to use virtual reality on onlineshops and by using it, if it represents an improvement for the implementation of Neuromarketing. Therefore, the investigation gives an overview about the theory behind Neuromarketing, to justify its use for the differentiation of online-shops. A description of the e-commerce helps to identify current errors of the design and usability and to define the borders, which inhibit the optimal implementation of Neuromarketing. A closer look of the technologies of virtual reality allows to find out if it can be considered as a solution. The improvement of online-shops by offering virtual spaces could represent a big potential to differentiate in the e-commerce. But due to the non-proliferation of the necessary devices and by that, the missing access to virtual spaces for customers, it actually would not fulfil its purpose. In the future, by the advance of the devices and the assumption that virtual reality will be part of everyday life, it could represent an optimal solution. This depends also from health and ethical aspects accompanied with the use of the mentioned technologies, which has been examined as well as part of this investigation. The answer to it by further investigation and by the observation of the development of virtual reality could be of great importance for the field of online marketing