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- Silicon nitride (5)
- Laser conditioning (4)
- Picosecond Yb:YAG laser (4)
- Surface roughness (4)
- Diamond grinding wheel (3)
- Laser structuring (3)
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- CMCs (2)
- Cylindrical grinding (2)
- Dressing (2)
A sensor fusion concept integrating the optical and microfabricated eddy-current sensor for the non-destructive testing of the grinding burn is reported. For evaluation, reference grinding burn with varying degrees are fabricated on 42CrMo4 tool steel cylinder. The complementary sensing nature of the proposed sensors for the non-destructive testing of the grinding burn is successfully achieved, wherein both the superficial and an in-depth quantitative profile information of the grinding zone is recorded. The electrical output (voltage) of the optical sensor, which is sensitive to the optical surface quality, dropped only by 20 % for moderate degree of grinding burn and by ca. 50 % for stronger degree of grinding burn (i.e. by exclusively considering the superficial surface morphology of the grinding burn). Moreover, a direct correlation among the average surface roughness of the grinding burn, the degree of grinding burn and the optical sensor’s output voltage was observed. The superficial and in-depth information of the grinding burn was recorded using a microfabricated eddy-current sensor (planar microcoil with circular spiral geometry with 20 turns) by measuring the impedance change as function of the driving frequency. The depth of penetration of induced eddy-current in the used 42CrMo4 workpiece (with a sensor to workpiece distance of 700 µm) varied from 223 µm to 7 µm on increasing the frequency of the driving current from 1kHz to 10 MHz, respectively. A very interesting nature of the grinding burn was observed with two distinct zones within the grinding zone, namely, the superficial zone (starting from the workpiece surface to 15 µm in grinding zone) and a submerged zone (>15 µm within the grinding zone). The impedance of the microcoils changed by ca. 8 % and 4 % for the superficial and submerged zone for regions with stronger degree of grinding burn at a frequency of 10 MHz and 2.5MHz, respectively. Furthermore, a correlation between the microhardness of the grinding burn and the impedance change is also observed.
Real time In-Situ Quality Monitoring of Grinding Process using Microtechnology based Sensor Fusion
In situ Qualitätsbeurteilung von Schleifprozessen mittels Mikrosystemtechnik basierter Sensorfusion
Contact mechanics