Year of publication
- 2018 (1) (remove)
Document type
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- English (1) (remove)
Has full text
- No (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- No (1) (remove)
- Business model (1) (remove)
Course of studies
This thesis analyzes reverse logistics exemplified by Kärcher, a manufacturer of cleaning devices, and elaborates a conceptual framework for developing a business model for reverse logistics. A literature review is undertaken for theoretical infor-mation; expert interviews and a quantitative study are carried out. The aim of the lit-erature research is to investigate the importance of reverse logistics and its future viability. Reverse logistics can be divided into two parts, the entry channel and the value-adding part, whereas this thesis focuses on the value adding part. Previous studies mention that reverse logistics is ignored and underestimated by companies; nevertheless it is important for a functioning returns process as return quantities are increasing in the future inter alia because of online retailing. Furthermore, the re-verse logistics process of Kärcher is compared to the industry-wide standards. For understanding the process at Kärcher, exploratory interviews with several SDCs and a census are conducted. To compare the Kärcher reverse logistics process with the industry, a benchmark is performed. The benchmark is carried out with competitors based on short expert interviews and two international companies are analyzed from the literature. The outcome of the benchmark is that until now, there are no industry-wide standards to be found and therefore Kärcher cannot adhere to standards. Last-ly the business model concept Canvas is investigated in theory and applied to the reverse logistics process at Kärcher with the objective to explore, to what extent Canvas can be implemented. In addition, the Canvas is used to define a conceptual framework for further elaboration with the aim to possibly regain value from returns in the future. Finally a recommended course of action for Kärcher concerning reverse logistics is derived.