Year of publication
Document type
- Article (peer-reviewed) (1775)
- Conference Proceeding (1684)
- Bachelor Thesis (1242)
- Contribution to a Periodical (869)
- Part of a Book (604)
- Other (523)
- Report (367)
- Book (237)
- Master's Thesis (161)
- Doctoral Thesis (67)
- English (3866)
- German (3707)
- Multiple languages (14)
- French (4)
- Spanish (1)
- Online-Ressource (177)
- Electrical impedance tomography (89)
- Patent (81)
- Fernsehbeitrag (69)
- Tageszeitung (61)
- Interview (58)
- CD-ROM (41)
- Machine learning (39)
- Poster (39)
- Mechanical ventilation (38)
Course of studies
- IBW - Internationale Betriebswirtschaft (753)
- IBM - International Business Management (351)
- BMP - Business Management and Psychology (112)
- IMM - International Management (79)
- MBA - International Business Management (55)
- APE - Advanced Precision Engineering (21)
- EMBA - Executive Master of International Business Management (15)
- IEB - International Engineering (12)
- MZT - Mikromedizintechnik (12)
- INM - Informatik (9)