Year of publication
Document type
- Article (peer-reviewed) (1767)
- Conference Proceeding (1680)
- Bachelor Thesis (1240)
- Contribution to a Periodical (869)
- Part of a Book (595)
- Other (521)
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- Book (237)
- Master's Thesis (161)
- Doctoral Thesis (66)
- English (3856)
- German (3691)
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Course of studies
- IBW - Internationale Betriebswirtschaft (754)
- IBM - International Business Management (351)
- BMP - Business Management and Psychology (109)
- IMM - International Management (79)
- MBA - International Business Management (55)
- APE - Advanced Precision Engineering (21)
- EMBA - Executive Master of International Business Management (15)
- IEB - International Engineering (12)
- MZT - Mikromedizintechnik (12)
- INM - Informatik (9)
The growing number of nodes in distributed systems such as Internet of Things (IoT) requires efficient and secure protocols and specific cybersecurity measures to manage and protect those nodes in the system. In this dissertation, we analyzed security, privacy, and efficiency problems related to five cybersecurity research domains: Attribute-Based Encryption, Logical Overlay, Address Distribution, Resource Discovery, and Data Validation.