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Transatlantic Vocational Exchange: A Qualitative Study of Barriers and Facilitators to the Establishment of Secondary Vocational Exchanges between the United States and Germany

  • This study explores the complex dynamics influencing the establishment of secondary vocational exchange programs, with an emphasis on identifying the barriers and facilitators in this process. Adopting a qualitative research approach, the study seeks to capture the rich, nuanced experiences of stakeholders and provide context-specific insights. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals, administrators, and officials associated with German and United States Vocational Education. Employing a two-tiered participant selection strategy, a range of perspectives were captured. The data were analyzed using an inductive approach to thematic analysis, aiming to identify underlying patterns and themes. Preliminary findings indicate that funding, policy and governance challenges, educational structures, administrative elements, corporate attitudes, and socio-cultural influences play significant roles in the establishment of these exchange programs. The research also underscores the importance of participant preparedness, program structure, stakeholder interest and engagement, diversity and inclusion, and innovative program approaches as vital facilitators. These insights can influence the development of policies and practices for future secondary vocational exchange programs, thus contributing meaningfully to the larger conversation surrounding vocational exchange programs and international educational partnerships.

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  • Transatlantic vocational exchange

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Author:Nathan Hayduk
Advisor:Paul Taylor
Document Type:Master's Thesis
Year of Completion:2023
Granting Institution:Hochschule Furtwangen
Date of final exam:2023/07/14
Release Date:2023/07/31
Tag:Cultural exchange; Education diplomacy; Educational policy; Exchange program administration; Vocational education; Vocational exchanges
Page Number:117
Degree Program:IRCD - International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy
Functional area:Andere/Other
Open-Access-Status: Closed Access 
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt