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The introduction of a ticketing system in the sales support of WERMA Signaltechnik GmbH + Co. KG: A comparison of internal and outsourced solutions

  • After-sales services play a crucial role in companies’ profit. Their importance is expected to increase given the intensifying leveling of product competition and a shift toward a buyer’s market. Ticketing systems are increasingly integrated into these services because of their ability to bundle multiple support channels, enhance the support’s knowledge base, and cut costs. This thesis aims to create a comparative overview of ticketing systems, which evaluates eight selected market alternatives and one tentative in-house solution according to their compliance with the requirements of the focus company. This comparison is made by exploring the literature concerning build-or-buy, software evaluation and selection, and analyzing several guided interviews. The results seek to aid the company in deciding on a ticketing system that meets its requirements, as well as to act as a blueprint for other SMEs. The findings include two recommended alternatives in conjunction with further strategic and decision-making considerations. The study ends with an outlook for academia and businesses.

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Author:Lorenzo Aldinucci
Advisor:Marc Peter Radke
Document Type:Master's Thesis
Year of Completion:2023
Granting Institution:Hochschule Furtwangen
Date of final exam:2023/04/19
Release Date:2023/04/20
Tag:Build-or-buy; Customer support; Software comparison; Ticketing system
Degree Program:IMM - International Management
Functional area:Andere/Other
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt