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Conception and development of a corporate website strategy on the example of KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG

  • In recent years, digitalization has caused an increasing transformation of the entire business world towards a digitalized economy. The Covid-19 pandemic has rapidly accelerated this ongoing digital transformation. Therefore, online presence is also becoming increasingly important for companies to survive in the digital economy. KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG, a traditional medium-sized company firmly focused on face-to-face sales, was strongly affected by the limitations of the pandemic. Switching to digital alternatives, especially the corporate website, stands out as the most critical digital cross point. This bachelor thesis uses a marketing strategy model to analyze and research the position of KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG in the market and explores the functions and characteristics that a corporate website must have to meet today’s customer, stakeholder, and employee needs. First, this work intends to offer an overall understanding of digitalization and its impact on the medical technology industry and medium-sized companies. Secondly, the corporate website characteristics are considered. The third theoretical part includes the analysis of two digital marketing strategy models, which are compared with each other. Finally, the company KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG and its website are presented, and a strategy model for developing a website strategy for the business year 2023 and beyond is applied. Interviews conducted with internal and external experts on websites provide valuable information and a deeper understanding of the importance of a website in the digital environment. In the end, this paper gives recommendations for actions for website development.

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Author:Nadja Rieble
Advisor:Rütger Conzelmann
Document Type:Bachelor Thesis
Year of Completion:2022
Granting Institution:Hochschule Furtwangen
Date of final exam:2022/08/31
Release Date:2022/09/01
Tag:Digitalization; Marketing strategy; Medical industry
Page Number:135
Degree Program:IBW - Internationale Betriebswirtschaft
Functional area:Marketing
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt