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People Analytics Solutions in current HR Trends

  • This study examines the current human capital management software market with integrated people analytics module and their targeted type of human resource management. The study is guided by the research question: Does the current human capital management software with people analytics module market target their data usage towards hierarchical or agile type of human resource management? To answer the research question a content analysis of 12 websites of human capital management software providers with integrated people analytics module was conducted. The findings were evaluated based on a scale of 4 prototype approach. The study revealed that the majority of human capital software providers aim their data usage towards hierarchical organizations. A large part of the examined companies run a mixed approach and try to aim their software towards both hierarchical and agile organizations with different tendencies. The findings of this study align with the literature and suggest to organizations seeking to implement a human capital management suite to choose the software that supports their human resource type and strategy the best.

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Author:Stanislav Krasnov
Advisor:Armin Trost
Document Type:Bachelor Thesis
Year of Completion:2020
Granting Institution:Hochschule Furtwangen
Date of final exam:2020/08/25
Release Date:2020/10/27
Tag:People analytics
Page Number:37
Degree Program:BMP - Business Management and Psychology
Functional area:Human Resource Management
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt