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An analysis of the contemporary development of household wealth and income distributions

  • In recent decades, the topic of increasing wealth and income inequalities has received growing attention in research. The focus was frequently placed on examining past developments and influencing factors, which might have produced the present distributions. This thesis attempts to summarize the effects of past developments and tendencies on the distribution of income and wealth of households based on the findings of existing academic literature. An understanding of the underlying forces is particularly important to respond correctly and effectively to rising inequality. In addition, this thesis aims at presenting the distribution of income and wealth in the euro area with respect to similarities and differences across euro area countries. For this purpose, data provided through the Household Finance and Consumption Survey has been used. Furthermore, the observations have been compared to corresponding data on income and wealth distributions in the United States, allowing for a better assessment of the circumstances in the euro area. The Federal Reserve Board and the U.S. Census Bureau published data on household wealth and income in the United States, which has been utilized in this thesis. The observed points in time are 2010 and 2014. The conducted investigations and analyses yielded the result that relevant developments have been the process of globalization, the technological advancement, the evolution of labour markets, the growing importance of capital, the changes in governmental policies and societal developments. Furthermore, it could be shown that both income and wealth tend to be unequally distributed within and between euro area countries. In fact, wealth appeared to be much more concentrated than income. Large heterogeneity across countries was detected. Nevertheless, the degree of inequality is less severe than the one observed in the United States.

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Author:Roksana-Jessica Siewiorek
Advisor:Marc Peter Radke
Document Type:Bachelor Thesis
Year of Completion:2020
Granting Institution:Hochschule Furtwangen
Date of final exam:2020/02/29
Release Date:2020/03/02
Tag:Germany wealth and income; Income; Wealth
Degree Program:IBM - International Business Management
Functional area:Economics
Open-Access-Status: Closed Access 
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt