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Der Arbeitstitel lautet: Implementierung eines Personalmarketingkonzepts im Rahmen des Employer Branding mit dem Ziel den Bekanntheitsgrad der BIPSO GmbH ( ein mittelständisches Pharmaunternehmen) zu steigern und somit dem Fachkräftemangel entgegen zu wirken (Thema im Personalmarketing)

  • Abstract. Over the last years the German economy perceives the ongoing demographic change which is the reason for a lower offer of skilled workers. A war for talents is declared and recruiters try to meet this challenge. Especially small and medium sized companies notice the lack of qualified applicants that is why these firms should transform into an “employer of choice”. In order to become more attractive for workers, they should invest in marketing strategies to differ from the employer competitors. The theme of the scientific work deals with the development of a human resources marketing plan. The aim is to increase the brand awareness of the pharmaceutical mid-sized company the “BIPSO GmbH”. Evolving a strong employer brand which is in line with the business strategy is the center of gravity. All HR-Marketing activities are aligned to the brand “BIPSO”. In the course of the strategic process, internal and external analyses support the definition of personnel marketing measures. The methods and knowledge have been transferred to the BIPSO GmbH and checked for their applicability. The theories of “how workers choose an employer” or the analysis presented by Simon Sinek conduce to obtain a better understanding of the external target group and the strengths and weaknesses of the company. The interface between Human resources and marketing could be detected by the mutual influence of the employer brand and the product brand. Overlaps are noticeable in the strategic steps of marketing such as the positioning with the help of the EVP (= Employee Value Proposition) or the segmentation of the target groups. To address the audience via their preferred media channels and recruitment channels, an empirical research was performed. Expert interviews with the target group helped to gain insights in their media habits or the identification with the company. The results determine how the communication policy for the BIPSO GmbH should be configured. The outcome shows the need to invest in the linkage of print and online channels. In order to differentiate BIPSO from the competition, the firm should emphasize its origin as an independent family with an ethically valuable product. This unique feature is integrated into all activities. The emotional component is complemented by the rational employers offer such as the performance of the collective agreement of chemistry. In addition to the external measures internal activities were focused, which should lead to a better working environment, because "true beauty comes from the inside." Nevertheless, the human resources marketing concept is not a long-term solution for the demographic development and the lack of skilled labor. However, it can increase the level of awareness and attract the interest of candidates so that companies like the BIPSO GmbH can benefit in hiring new collaborators.

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Author:Katharina Wasmer
Advisor:Gerrit Horstmeier
Document Type:Bachelor Thesis
Year of Completion:2015
Year of first Publication:2015
Release Date:2015/11/26
Tag:Fachkräftemangel; Personalmarketing
Employee Value Proposition; Employer Branding; HR-Marketing
Degree Program:IBW - Internationale Betriebswirtschaft
Functional area:Human Resource Management