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International process of Hi-Tech mobile crane to the emergin Indian Subcontinent markets e.g. Bagladesh

  • The topic of my thesis is “Internationalization process of Hi-Tech mobile crane to the emerging Indian Subcontinent markets e.g. Bangladesh: The case study of KramerKran GmbH”. The whole approach is based on KramerKran GmbH, a small crane service providing company which is located in Löffingen, Southern Germany. This study explores two specific research questions such as how KramerKran can enter to this attractive Indian Subcontinent especially into the Bangladeshi market and understand the degree of opportunity whether it is a good attempt to enter into this market or not. Here, Bangladesh is taken as an example of Indian subcontinent because it is one of the high growth emerging economies in this region and many business opportunities have yet been unexplored that might be attractive for German automotive companies (SMEs). In today’s globalization era, markets are becoming very competitive. It is difficult for many companies only to rely on the local or domestic market, no matters whether it is a big corporation or a small and medium sized enterprise (SMEs). In order to maintain a positive and sustainable business growth, internationalization plays a vital role nowadays, especially for small and medium sized enterprises in which emerging markets are very attractive from many aspects. Therefore, it can be said that, this topic is very much relevant with KramerKran’s further business development approach and crucial for doing business in a sustainable manner. In order to answer the research questions, the whole study is divided into seven chapters and very undamental points are e.g. theoretical framework, company present situation, empirical research, findings, recommendation and conclusion. The theoretical framework provides a general idea about the necessity of being global as well as various modes of international market entry. Company present situation and empirical research describes KramerKran’s position in the present market and the market situation of Bangladesh respectively. Empirical research has been conducted throughout expert interview, company data, personal observation and expert article and so on. Based on theory, company data and empirical research a two-step international market entry model has been recommended.

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Author:Asish Karmakar
Advisor:Niels Behrmann
Document Type:Bachelor Thesis
Year of Completion:2015
Year of first Publication:2015
Release Date:2015/11/26
Tag:Exploring business opportunity; Internationalization to emerging market; Possible implementation strategies
Degree Program:IBM - International Business Management
Functional area:Business Strategy