Jobsharing in Management
- According to a recent German law companies are obliged to increase the proportion of female managers in strategic significant departments because women are nationally and even globally underrepresented in management. Simply raising their share, however, won’t solve the more profound problem. Part of the thesis is the consideration of reasons to the current situation. Mentioned reasons are the management framework conditions and social norms. Furthermore the working model jobsharing in management will be presented as method that realizes a sustainable change in gender diversity. There are already companies which started projects for gender diversity management in order to acknowledge gender disparity and deal with it. A fact referring to social norms is that women still struggle more between their professional career and family than men do. Besides, society pushes women into their classical roles as home keeper. Studies prove that the main reason for women to quit their job is more time for their family. Another fact referring the management framework conditions is that managers often have to work more than 100 percent based on average working time. Jobsharing in management, later on called leadsharing, may enable qualified women not to choose either a management position or their family. Hence, companies may save experienced executives. In this time flexible working model two mangers own the same position and share their job related responsibilities. The characteristics of leadsharing as well as its benefits and challenges will be introduced in relation to eight reports of experienced leadsharers. Leadsharing has proven to be possible and successful but it’s anyway negatively associated with huge effort in communication, dependency within the leadsharing team and infeasibility in management. Thus, the most important requirement for leadsharing is a receptive cooperating company and the perfect partner who can be trusted. The German start-up Tandemploy is specialized on matching jobsharing interested employees and companies. Today’s technologies and circumstances on the shrinking specialists and executive staff market may also support a jobsharing popularity. For companies which are against stagnation and honestly promote gender equality the adoption of leadsharing is apparently a chance to ensure sustainable gender parity in management.
Author: | Marta Burczyk |
Advisor: | Armin Trost |
Document Type: | Bachelor Thesis |
Language: | German |
Year of Completion: | 2015 |
Year of first Publication: | 2015 |
Release Date: | 2015/11/26 |
Tag: | Führungspositionen; Gender diversity; Jobsharing |
Degree Program: | IBW - Internationale Betriebswirtschaft |
Functional area: | Human Resource Management |