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Accountability Systems – An approach to preserve the Essence of Innovation through Growth Stage in a Startup

  • When scaling, startups face managerial challenges and a downfall in innovation. A growing team and the resulting increased communication and organizational complexity bring issues previously not existing. Accountability Systems can assist startups overcome the mentioned issues and maintain their essence of innovation, vital for their success. This paper discusses the relevance and benefits of implementing formal managerial systems in a growing startup. By mapping out the interdependence of culture, innovation and growth, it is demonstrated how Accountability Systems can support the preservation of an innovative culture when scaling a startup. In a time when innovation is often disregarded due to a focus on process efficiency, Accountability Systems can provide a valuable tool for managing transition. This thesis serves as a general evaluation of Accountability Systems and their benefits. It is important to note that this paper is not intended to serve as a directly adaptable guide for startups.

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  • Accountability systems an approach to preserve the essence of innovation through growth stage in a startup

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Author:Carlos Roberto Vásquez Calderón
Advisor:Nikola Hale
Document Type:Bachelor Thesis
Year of Completion:2020
Granting Institution:Hochschule Furtwangen
Date of final exam:2020/02/26
Release Date:2020/04/01
Tag:Accountability systems; Growth; Innovation; Startups
Page Number:59
Degree Program:IBM - International Business Management
Functional area:Business Strategy
Open-Access-Status: Closed Access 
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt