@mastersthesis{Mamaj2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Mamaj, Valentina}, title = {Impact of EU Taxonomy on Automobile Companies}, institution = {IBM - International Business Management}, pages = {47}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This Bachelor's thesis explores the impact of the EU Taxonomy on the Automobile in- dustry, focusing on, Mercedes Benz Group AG, BMW Group AG, Volkswagen AG, Por- sche AG, and Audi AG. In the first part, relevant theoretical background information will be given to get an un- derstanding of the EU Taxonomy framework. It will explain the purpose of the EU Tax- onomy, relevant keywords, and the reporting obligations of companies including an ex- planation of the role of IFRS. The second part will analyze the annual reports to evaluate the feasibility of the imple- mentation of the EU Taxonomy framework. This includes the analysis of the companies reporting as well as the comparison of the economic activities of the companies. There were discrepancies observed among the reporting practices of Mercedes Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, Porsche, and Audi. It has been determined, that all car manufacturers listed a varying number of economic activities that contributed to their eligible and aligned KPIs. The disclosure of the key performance indicators turnover, capital expenditure, and operational expenditure of the five companies was examined. All manufacturers classi- fied their entire vehicle portfolios, regardless of emission output, as eligible under the EU Taxonomy, leading to challenges in accurately assessing their environmental impact. Lastly, to determine the greenest company of the five car manufacturers the Taxonomy- aligned key performance indicators within the automobile industry were analyzed. How- ever, the determination of the greenest company proved inconclusive due to conflicting results from the analyzed KPIs. In conclusion, the implementation of the EU Taxonomy in the automobile industry is found to be partially feasible, primarily due to inconsistencies in its application among the manufacturers.}, language = {en} }