@mastersthesis{Avil{\´e}s Portillo2023, type = {Master Thesis}, author = {Avil{\´e}s Portillo, Juan Federico}, title = {What have been the effects from official dollarization in the real, fiscal, financial, and external sectors in El Salvador and is it viable to conduct a de-dollarization?}, institution = {MBA - International Business Management}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This thesis examines causes and effects of El Salvador's transition to official dollarization conducted in 2001. The document analyzes preliminary and final impacts in the real, financial, fiscal, and external sectors of the country, and it also provides an economic and social perspective on how these effects have caused little effect on Salvadoran society. Several authors remark official dollarization might have positive effects on countries with macroeconomic disorders such as high inflation rates and drastic exchange rate variations. After more than 20 years of adoption of the U.S. dollar, official dollarization does not appear to have affected positively life of Salvadoran citizens but rather has prevented governments from using monetary policy to apply irresponsible economic policies and has also helped to prevent high inflation rates. To take advantage of the benefits official dollarization can offer, it is highly recommendable for El Salvador to implement transformative social and economic investments and policies that boost human development and economic competitiveness.}, language = {en} }