@article{WagnerDabernig-HeinzLippetal.2023, author = {Wagner, Gabriel E. and Dabernig-Heinz, Johanna and Lipp, Michaela and Cabal, Adriana and Simantzik, Jonathan and Kohl, Matthias and Scheiber, Martina and Lichtenegger, Sabine and Ehricht, Ralf and Leitner, Eva and Ruppitsch, Werner and Steinmetz, Ivo}, title = {Real-Time Nanopore Q20+ Sequencing Enables Extremely Fast and Accurate Core Genome MLST Typing and Democratizes Access to High-Resolution Bacterial Pathogen Surveillance}, journal = {Journal of Clinical Microbiology}, volume = {61.2023}, number = {4}, issn = {1098-660X}, doi = {10.1128/jcm.01631-22}, pages = {e01631-22}, year = {2023}, language = {en} }