@phdthesis{Bajraktaraj, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Donika Bajraktaraj}, title = {Kundenbindung des Corporate Desks in New York am Beispiel der Landesbank Baden-W{\"u}rttemberg}, pages = {67}, abstract = {Nowadays, companies face a major challenge in keeping customers loyal in the long term. This paper attempts to address this problem in more detail by considering the following objective. Social media presence is intended to create awareness among users, who may also be customers, in order to build trust towards the brand. Following questions are posed: Which elements of a post are perceived as high-quality? How are social media interaction and high-quality posts related? To what extent is there a relationship between customer loyalty and social media interactions? To answer these questions, a survey was conducted with 102 participants and the results were positively related. Thus, customer loyalty can be achieved through content marketing and further areas, which will now be explained in more detail within this paper}, language = {de} }