@phdthesis{Friedrich, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Bennet Friedrich}, title = {Smart Home as-a-Service Gesch{\"a}ftsmodell: Zielgruppenerweiterung eines Antriebs- und Steuerungstechnikherstellers ‒ am Beispiel der Somfy GmbH}, abstract = {This bachelor thesis is about the digital transformation and the resulting need for new business models. Additionally, the Servitization is changing the business environment as well. Together with new technologies such as the Internet of Things, this digital Servitization is creating threats and new opportunities for businesses. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to conceptualize a Smart Home as-a-Service business model for a drive- and control technology manufacturer with the example of Somfy and to test it in qualitative expert interviews with potential Business-to-Business customers. The research questions addressed and answered in this thesis are: (a) „How can a concept of an as-a-Service business model in the field of smart home to expand the market segment from single to multi-family houses by a new target group of a drive and control technology manufacturer look like?“ Question (a) is answered with a concept based on the Service Business Model Canvas. It is a Business-to-Business-to-Consumer business model, where the residential construction companies build in the necessary hardware in new residential buildings. This is the prerequisite for the focal company Somfy to offer tenants smart home applications in a subscription model. (b) „How is the relevance, value, and feasibility of the Smart Home as-a-Service concept assessed by residential construction companies?“ Question (b) is tested with qualitative expert interviews. The results indicate a high relevance for the Business-to-Business customers. Additionally, offering Smart Home as-a-Service would create various values for residential construction companies, such as an additional selling feature, while the model is being assessed as generally feasible. Further research is suggested for example in the take-rate of the tenants.}, language = {de} }