@phdthesis{Mah, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Lilian Mah}, title = {The effects of service quality on customer satisfaction in the German banking sector (Deutsche Bank Offenbach) as case studies}, pages = {52}, abstract = {Marketing strategy remains a critical driver of customer satisfaction and competitiveness in the banking industry globally. Despite this, private and government banks in Germany are yet to attain required customer satisfaction levels. Studies on the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction revealed both positive and negative results. The main purpose of this study was to analyse the effects of service quality on customer satisfaction in the German Banking sector. Deutsche bank offenbach am main branch was used as a case. The target population was 2000 customers; holders of either a savings account, current account or both. 120 questionnaires were administered using a non- probability sampling technique known as the convenience sampling. 100 out of the 120 questionnaires came back complete. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 25. The results revealed that service quality significantly contributed to customer satisfaction at (Adjusted R2 = 0.733, p<.05). It was concluded that service quality contributes to customer satisfaction. From the survey, other factors that influence customer satisfaction in the German banking sector include, account security, proximity, customer expectations and perceived valued of service quality, employee’s behavior and management. The study recommends a more emphasis on improving and maintaining high service quality levels translating to customer satisfaction. Therefore, the research provides a validated service quality model that can be used to clearly measure levels of service quality in relation to levels of customer satisfaction}, language = {en} }