@mastersthesis{Labudda2020, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Labudda, Sophie}, title = {Gr{\"u}nde f{\"u}r das Scheitern von Ver{\"a}nderungsprozessen in Unternehmen und die Implementierung m{\"o}glicher L{\"o}sungen - Die Verwendung von Neurofeedback bei Widerst{\"a}nden in Ver{\"a}nderungsprozessen}, institution = {BMP - Business Management and Psychology}, year = {2020}, abstract = {The bachelor's thesis deals with the question of whether a treatment with neurofeedback could provide a benefit for the members of an organization during a change process. In particular, the motives and challenges of change projects were identified. Furthermore, the methods which can be used to reduce and even prevent these problems were examined. The non-achievement of basic human needs, the associated fear, the loss of trust and stress plays a major role here. A good change management is able to address some of these issues, for example through good communication and the implementation of a change vision. The difficulty is that people may be too stuck in their views, including previous bad experiences, to be helped by current methods. It could be shown, that the training with neurofeedback achieves positive and fast lasting effects. The thesis explains how the person to be treated must be prepared and what a training might look like. Various areas in which neurofeedback has already been successfully used are briefly described and it is investigated whether there are treatments for disorders that are similar for the resistances in change processes. Expert interviews have examined these assumptions more closely and provided a practical and concrete perspective on the treatment with neurofeedback in an organizational context. Finally, it was found that training with neurofeedback in companies is quite an interesting option. At this stage, however, there is a lack of studies that can prove the concrete benefits. Until now, neurofeedback has been applied almost exclusively to the medical field and this will probably not change in the upcoming years due to the high complexity of the procedure. Other methods, such as yoga or meditation, are on the one hand easier to carry out and the other hand already established in society. However, since positive results have already been achieved with biofeedback and people are beginning to take an interest in it, this could be a first step towards neurofeedback.}, language = {de} }