@mastersthesis{Utsihwegota2018, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Utsihwegota, Rufaro}, title = {Factors Influencing the Standardisation of Human Resources Software}, institution = {IBM - International Business Management}, pages = {44}, year = {2018}, abstract = {Globalisation and technological advancements over the last decade have changed the way that business organisations operate. In response to these developments many companies have opted for a global strategy which usually entails a form of standardisation. This thesis will focus on standardisation of human resources software. There are many articles and journals on the field of human resources management, the impact of technology of human resources and standardisation of processes in general but very little literature on standardisation of human resources software despite the huge role that it plays in supporting global HR strategy. Using mainly qualitative research and primary first-hand experience this thesis will look into the factors affecting standardisation of human resources software. The assumption is that standardisation of HR software is the only option for global strategy and that it will increase efficiency, reduce costs and create other benefits for an organisation. The research shows that when technical and non-technical factors are not equally considered standardisation of HR software is likely to take longer than intended and according to the measurements put in place it may fail completely or the perceived benefits are not fully realised. Additionally, constant technological innovations could redefine standardisation and the role of HR software in an organisation.}, language = {en} }