@mastersthesis{Castro Vergel2018, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Castro Vergel, Irene}, title = {Spanish brain drain to germany: analytical study of push \& pull factors and socio-economic consequences}, institution = {IBM - International Business Management}, year = {2018}, abstract = {There was an increased in the number of high-skilled Spaniards that decided to leave their home country. The economic situation and the high unemployment rate have complicated the chances to find a well-paid job and responsibilities according to their level of education. Therefore, Spaniards with a tertiary education find new opportunities in foreign countries like Germany with a robust and stable labour market. This issue is gaining importance and must be deeply analysed. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is, by the use of secondary and primary data, to describe what are the push and pull factors, and what are the consequences of the Spanish brain drain for Germany and Spain. The conclusion, will confirm and give possible recommendations that the Spanish government may apply in the future.}, language = {en} }