TY - JOUR U1 - Zeitschriftenartikel, wissenschaftlich - begutachtet (reviewed) A1 - Claus, Ralf A. A1 - Dorer, Michael J. A1 - Bunck, Alexander C. A1 - Deigner, Hans-Peter T1 - Inhibition of Sphingomyelin Hydrolysis: Targeting the Lipid Mediator Ceramide as a Key Regulator of Cellular Fate JF - Current Medicinal Chemistry KW - Sphingomyelinase KW - Apoptosis KW - Inflammation KW - Rafts Y1 - 2009 SN - 0929-8673 SS - 0929-8673 VL - 16.2009 IS - 16 SP - 1978 EP - 2000 ER -