TY - THES U1 - Abschlussarbeit (Master) A1 - Bertsche, Katja T1 - Importance of customer experience for brand loyalty in offline vs. online channels in the fashion industry N2 - Rising globalization and digitization resulted in crises for the fashion industry. High competition and the interconnectedness of the consumers rule the market and put it under pressure. Owing to the growing power consumers possess, the requirements towards the fashion players are increasing. Customer experience is frequently discussed these days by academics as well as practitioners and emphasized as a competitive advantage. Yet, it is difficult to measure and to track its consequences. Since customer experience is elusive and no industry specific measurement scale is defined, at first this work aims to identify relevant touch points of customer experience in the fashion industry by dint of a focused interview. The further objective of this paper is to enhance the comprehension of the touch points’ effects or rather the relationship of customer experience with brand loyalty. This is approached by a questionnaire based on the preceding qualitative analysis and the resulting model. This model defines the customer experience touch points as the independent variables while brand loyalty is examined as the dependent variable. The conducted linear regression analysis reveals a moderate effect of customer experience on brand loyalty and the touch points concerning the products as most relevant in this relationship. Additionally, the digitization aspect is addressed by the examination of the relationship in the offline and online channels separately. With respect to this, the present study recognizes that the extent of the customer experience’s impact on brand loyalty and the significant touch points vary across channels to a certain degree. KW - Customer experience KW - Touch points KW - Brand loyalty KW - Millennials KW - Offline vs online channels KW - Bekleidungsindustrie KW - Markentreue KW - Kunden Y2 - 2017 U6 - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:fn1-opus4-32648 UN - https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:fn1-opus4-32648 SP - 68 S1 - 68 ER -