@article{MuellerSteinhardtWeidmannKlueter2017, author = {Michael M{\"u}ller-Steinhardt and Christian Weidmann and Harald Kl{\"u}ter}, title = {Changes in the Whole Blood Donor Population in South-West Germany: 2010 versus 2016}, series = {Transfusion Medicine and Hemotherapy}, volume = {44.2017}, number = {4}, issn = {1660-3818}, doi = {10.1159/000479192}, pages = {217 -- 223}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Background: In the recent past, the discrepancy between blood supply and future demand may have been overestimated. Nevertheless, as medical progress develops rapidly, it will be essential to permanently monitor ongoing demographic changes in the donor population and re-evaluate retention and recruiting strategies. Thus, it was the aim of the current study to compare first time donor (FTD) characteristics and their return rates, whole blood donations in total and annual donation frequencies 2010 versus 2015/2016. Furthermore, we evaluated whether over the same observation period, medical reasons for deferral underwent a change (2010 versus 2015). Methods: The return probability of FTD within 12 months was analysed in 2010 and 2015 with respect to successful donation versus deferral and, furthermore, FTD age was determined. Total number of whole blood (WB) donations were investigated and age distribution was compared 2010 versus 2013 versus 2016. WB donation frequencies were calculated with respect to age and gender in 2010 and 2016. In a second analysis, medical reasons for deferral were differentiated into 14 categories and a possible impact of time (2010 versus 2015) on the respective percentage was studied. Results: We observed a significant decline of the FTD return rate from 42.5\% to 38.8\% in successful donors while the rate remained unchanged in deferred FTD. At the same time the mean FTD age decreased from 29.1 ± 11.6 to 28.5 ± 11.7 years in 2016. Analysis of total WB donations revealed an increase of donations from donors ≥ 60 years, a constant percentage from donors < 30 years but a declining proportion of donors from 30-59 years of age from 2010 to 2013 to 2016. In parallel, annual mean WB donation frequencies decreased over time. Deferrals due to travel history increased significantly from 2010 to 2015 both in FTD and repeat donors (RD). Conclusion: There is a detectable ongoing demographic change as well as a change of medical deferral reasons in our WB donor population. Our data prove a need for a re-evaluation of retention and recruitment strategies since previous marketing campaigns seem to have neglected the age group 30-59 years. This must be addressed in further studies as this age group will be highly relevant for assuring future blood supplies since donor recruitment from adolescents will be limited due to declining birth rates. Furthermore, deferral due to travel history is increasing significantly. Thus we will require further studies on the possible impact on donor retention.}, language = {en} }