@mastersthesis{Bolz2017, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Bolz, Alexandra}, title = {Elaborating and Evaluating the Current State of the Product Phase-Out Process of ZF Friedrichshafen AG}, institution = {IBM - International Business Management}, year = {2017}, abstract = {Products and services do not have infinite lives. At some point, objects are not accepted by consumers anymore. In order to hold up to ever increasing competition, many companies aim to introduce innovative technologies and products in ever decreasing intervals. However, companies cannot possess an infinite number of products in their product portfolio. Therefore, old products need to be eliminated to release capacity for newer ones. However, for many companies, phasing-out products does not count to core competencies and is perceived as unattractive. It is a common belief that only new product introductions have direct influence on turnover and profitability of a company. So at first, it seems reasonable to invest more resources in products that aim to make profits in the future rather than spending on outdated products. However, uncoordinated product phase-outs can as well have major negative impacts on the overall success of a company. Especially excess inventory and lack of communication during the whole process are seen as major issues. Literature conveys serious need of action concerning the subject. The primary aim of this thesis is the evaluation and elaboration of the current state of the phase-out process of ZF Friedrichshafen AG, detect weaknesses and improvement potentials, and give improvement recommendations. These improvement recommendations aim to eliminate the detected weaknesses and realize unused potential. The weaknesses and potentials are identified through face-to-face and telephone/Skype interviews and workshops. These interviews and workshops are conducted with a sample of employees from different departments, who are involved in the process.}, language = {de} }