@mastersthesis{Czajor2016, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Czajor, Annika}, title = {International Assignments of Dual Career Couples and the Challenges for Companies}, institution = {IBW - Internationale Betriebswirtschaft}, year = {2016}, abstract = {Generation X and Y are going to dominate the workplace. With these generations the trend to better education especially for females is evident. Longer education and equal job opportunities of male and female is one reason for increasing assortative mating. This on the other hand leads to an increasing number of Dual Career Couples, meaning relationships where both partners aim to realize an own professional career. Dual Career Couples are challenged, when the company requires them to be mobile and one of them is offered an international assignment. While companies offer attractive mobility and partner support for the old classical family model with a bread-winner and an accompanying spouse, the new couples expect that also the partner has an attractive job opportunity at the new host location. Most organizations are not yet prepared to deal with those expectations adequately, in-house competence and infrastructure have to be developed. Universities discovered Dual Career Couples as attractive target group and have established a supporting infrastructure. Networks seem to be the most promising solution so far wherefore they will to be further expanded and supported.}, language = {en} }