@mastersthesis{Nopper2016, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Nopper, Franziska}, title = {Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Instrumente zur Steigerung von Nachhaltigkeit in der Zulieferkette der Modeindustrie - Ein Vergleich zwischen Hess-Natur Textilien GmbH und Hennes \& Mauritz AG}, institution = {IBW - Internationale Betriebswirtschaft}, pages = {74}, year = {2016}, abstract = {This bachelor thesis aims at pointing out the importance of sustainability in the apparel industry. Furthermore it contains tools which help companies to implement, improve and monitor social and ecological behaviour within the supply chain of the apparel industry. The three tools examined are the following: - conducting audits at the suppliers' production facilities, - obtaining certifications and - recycling of used textiles. They mainly refer to improving the suppliers' ability to act in a sustainable way. The third tool, recycling, aims at building a cycle of resources. After a theoretical presentation, the companies Hess Natur Textilien GmbH and Hennes \& Mauritz AG are analysed regarding to their sustainability strategies in their supply chains. Hessnatur is seen as pioneer in the market for natural textiles and H\&M is offering low-price clothing. The results show, that the apparel industry is highly affected by unsustainable behaviour. Manufacturing clothes is labour-intensive, it is consuming many resources and therefore has consequences for people and the environment. Audits and certification proved to be important tools for implementing sustainability in supply chains. Both companies use them, but they have different approaches. The idea of sustainability is characteristic for the whole business policy of Hessnatur, while H\&M added this concept to its existing policy some years ago. Due to those different starting points, Hessnatur was able to build closer relationships with their suppliers than H\&M. To sum up, there is not one perfect strategy for sustainability, but every company has to engage in increasing sustainability within the supply chain according to individual circumstances and to the firm's individual character.}, language = {de} }