@mastersthesis{Goremucheche2016, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Goremucheche, Anitha}, title = {The Challenges of the Recruitment and Selection Process in the Mining sector in Zimbabwe}, institution = {IBM - International Business Management}, year = {2016}, abstract = {The recruitment and selection process in the mining sector in Zimbabwe has proven to be a challenge to both the management and the prospective employees. The mining sector is one industry that is of interest to the author as it contributes over half of the country's Gross Domestic product. Employment in Zimbabwe is very high in the world due to the poor performance of the economy which is a result of mismanagement of the country. This paper seeks to examine the challenges that are faced by the prospective employees when seeking for jobs in the mining sector and also the challenges that the management faces in the recruitment and selection process. After the examination of those challenges, the author will provide a detailed analysis of the root causes of these challenges and then at the end provide recommendations in order to fix the challenges. This paper will also serve as one of the basis of further study of the recruitment and selection process in the mining sector in Zimbabwe}, language = {en} }