@mastersthesis{Paneru2016, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Paneru, Raman}, title = {Implementation of Social Business Concept at the HFU}, institution = {IBM - International Business Management}, year = {2016}, abstract = {"Social Business Concept" is a concept of blending innovation in the field of social media in Business. This thesis aims in establishing an opinion that the "Social Business Concept" is very much relevant for the HFU just like for other business organizations. In this thesis, one can get the basic understanding of the concept, its origin and development as well as some case studies about the successful implementation. This thesis further shows the initiatives that the HFU has taken in the direction and the progresses made so far. Furthermore, it suggests some steps that are to be taken to make further improvements in the direction of establishing the HFU as a well-connected organization. The theories presented in the thesis and conclusion drawn by this thesis is based on the various literature reviews, e-mail correspondences with the HFU staffs and online survey where the students studying at the HFU in different faculties participated.}, language = {en} }