@mastersthesis{Riester2015, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Riester, Melanie}, title = {Etablierung einer Willkommenskultur f{\"u}r griechische Pflegekr{\"a}fte am Beispiel der BruderhausDiakonie}, institution = {IBW - Internationale Betriebswirtschaft}, year = {2015}, abstract = {Situation | Currently, there is a big lack of qualified labour in Germany. The recruitment of foreign workers and employees with a migratory background, which are still not employed, was identified as a solution for this problem. However, several companies still have a problem with this solution and they still see a lot of challenges. In Germany the word „welcome culture" already exist, which describes minimization of barriers for immigrants and support for their integration. Now, they also like to use this strategy for companies. That's why they like to develop different strategies to support, structure and simplify the integration process. Aim | The aim is to develop a recommended course of actions for the BruderhausDiakonie, based on interviews with people with migratory background, the analysis of the Greek culture and on several best practice examples as well as existing theories. This should be realized by taking care of the resources and request of the company. Concept | The main part of the welcome culture concept is made of practices which can be used individually to support recruiting processes for employees from abroad and employees with migratory background as well as for on-boarding-process of new employees. This concept considers internal and external conditions. Result | The result was an establishment of actions and the identifications of significant internal and external conditions, which companies have to face when they set the concept into practice. The concept has to be tested first by considering the identified metrics. Additionally it is recommended to implement the metrics into the Balanced Scorecard of the company. The shown practices should be set into practice in each department. The process of establishing a welcome culture should be seen as a long lasting learning-process and organizational development for which some responsible should be named.}, language = {de} }