@mastersthesis{Mundle2015, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Mundle, Raphaela}, title = {Die Bedeutung des Employee Self Service f{\"u}r Mitarbeiterbindung}, institution = {IBW - Internationale Betriebswirtschaft}, year = {2015}, abstract = {"Is it feasible to use flexible benefits as a possible employee retention tool? A survey about the possibilities of a value-oriented flexible benefits system as a method for innovative employee retention on the example of the organisation EVOMOTIV GmbH" Being an engineering company, the current changes in the labour market caused by a lack of qualified experts, have had quite an effect on the employee retention of the organisation EVOMOTIV GmbH. Therefore the aim of this thesis is to develop a value-oriented flexible benefits system which can support the organisation to improve employee retention. This flexible benefits scheme enables employees to choose between various benefits, which are provided by the employer. First this thesis elaborates the theoretical framework of the conducted empirical study. Therefore employee retention, value-oriented human resource management and value-oriented incentive system are explained. As a result, the information collected through the theoretical study illustrates that there is a growing demand for a value-oriented flexible benefits scheme. The second part of the thesis examines the present state of the organisation EVOMOTIV GmbH and presents the results of the company data analysis. The aim is to identify the influences on increasing turnover of staff and employee satisfaction. From these results, it can be concluded that the main cause of the turnover is the business model used by the company and that the employee satisfaction has been increasing yearly. To develop such a value-oriented flexible benefits scheme, an empirical study was conducted together with the employees of the EVOMOTIV GmbH. The study consisted of questionnaires in combination with a workshop. The aim was to establish contents for the flexible benefits scheme based on of the values and needs of the employees. The questionnaires were used to gain more information on the present state. The result of this thesis is a new flexible benefits system, which is based on the needs and values of the employees in the EVOMOTIV GmbH. Moreover the thesis demonstrates that the system supports the improvement of employee retention, yet its efficiency is limited through the effect of the business model. To measure the efficiency and to keep the system up-to-date with future employee values, a long-term survey is recommended by the author.}, language = {de} }