@article{PerkinsAntunes-MartinsCalvoetal.2014, author = {Perkins, James R. and Antunes-Martins, Ana and Calvo, Margarita and Grist, John and Rust, Werner and Schmid, Ramona and Hildebrandt, Tobias and Kohl, Matthias and Orengo, Christine and McMahon, Stephen B. and Bennett, David L.}, title = {A comparison of RNA-seq and exon arrays for whole genome transcription profiling of the L5 spinal nerve transection model of neuropathic pain in the rat}, journal = {Molecular Pain}, volume = {10.2014}, number = {7}, issn = {1744-8069}, doi = {10.1186/1744-8069-10-7}, pages = {26}, year = {2014}, language = {en} }