@mastersthesis{Solis Zegarra2023, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Solis Zegarra, Sebastian Alonso}, title = {Digital marketing strategies for brand positioning in the company Finca San Antonio - Peru}, institution = {IBM - International Business Management}, pages = {77}, year = {2023}, abstract = {This thesis explores the dynamics of digital marketing, brand positioning, and branding strategies within the agri-food sector, and delves into the current efforts of Finca San Antonio, a Peruvian cacao farm that manufactures their own products. The rapid growth of digitalization in Peru, emphasize the changing landscape of consumer behavior and media channels. This creates a need for companies to enter the digital era and update their traditional marketing efforts, in order to cater to the new arisen needs. The study further delves into the dimensions and strategies for brand positioning in the agri-food industry, shedding light on the relevance of product differentiation and market segmentation. The case of Finca San Antonio exemplifies the incorporation of sustainability and eco-branding in building brand identity and value proposition, which is instrumental to establishing brand loyalty. Overall, this research serves as a comprehensive overview of the interplay between digital marketing and brand positioning, especially in the agri-food sector.}, language = {en} }